Mission and objectives
MedCap’s mission is to acquire and develop well-run small and medium-sized life science companies by providing capital, expertise, experience and networks within each company’s area of business. We conduct operations in three business areas: Assistive Tech, MedTech and Specialty Pharma.
We primarily acquire companies in northern Europe that have international potential. Add-on acquisitions can be made globally. The acquired companies typically have sales of 5-25 mEUR. MedCap usually acquires a majority holding, but values the participation of the management and employees of the owned companies.
Growth through acquisitions and active ownership
The group is an active owner, with no limit on the period of ownership, and its ambition is always to strengthen the company’s existing operations or to contribute new product or market segments where there is potential to take leading niche positions. Growth through acquisitions is an important and core part of the strategies for the businesses, and we expect future growth to be achieved partly through continued company acquisitions.
MedCap often offers an attractive option for founders wishing to sell their companies, since our decentralised business model means the companies continue to be operated independently, within the framework of MedCap’s governance.
The subsidiaries, which are usually wholly owned, normally continue to operate under their own brands, but in step with MedCap’s governance model. This means appointing a new board for the companies, and bringing their corporate governance and business management into alignment with MedCap’s models and tools.
MedCap’s strategy is to be an active owner in order to ensure the development of the subsidiaries and to increase their profitability. We work hard to combine entrepreneurship, and the flexibility and efficiency of our wholly-owned companies, with our access to resources, networks and industrial expertise.

Become a part of MedCap
Here you will find more information about our investment strategy and about MedCap as owner.