Four people in a business meeting

General meeting

The general meeting is the company’s highest decision-making body. The annual general meeting must by law be held within six months of the end of the financial year. The annual general meeting decides on issues such as adoption of the income statement and balance sheet, appropriation of the company’s profit or loss, discharge from liability, election of directors and appointment of auditors.

The notice to attend the annual general meeting or any extraordinary general meeting dealing with amendments to the articles of association will be issued not earlier than six and not later than four weeks prior to the meeting. The notice to attend any other general meeting will be issued not earlier than six and not later than three weeks prior to the meeting. Shareholders that are recorded in the shareholder register administered by Euroclear on behalf of MedCap not later than five weekdays prior to the meeting, and that have notified the company of their participation in accordance with the instructions in the notice to attend the meeting, have the right to participate in, and vote at, the annual general meeting. Shareholders may be represented by proxy.

Right to attend general meetings

Shareholders that wish to attend a general meeting must be recorded in the share register administered by Euroclear on the date that falls five weekdays prior to the meeting, and must also notify the company of their participation not later than the date specified in the notice to attend the meeting. Shareholders may attend the meeting in person or by proxy with power of attorney, and may be accompanied by a maximum of two assistants. It is usually possible for shareholders to register for a general meeting in several ways, as specified in the notice. A shareholder is entitled to vote using all shares held by the shareholder in the company.

Initiatives from shareholders

Shareholders that wish to put forward a matter for consideration by the general meeting must submit a written request to the board. Any such request must normally be received by the board not later than seven weeks prior to the meeting.

Information about forthcoming general meetings

General Meeting 2025 will be held May 5th 2025


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