Corporate Governance
MedCap's corporate governance
MedCap (publ) is a Swedish public limited company. MedCap’s corporate governance is based on Swedish law and internal rules and regulations. The company complies with Nasdaq Stockholm’s rules for issuers and applies the Swedish Corporate Governance Code (the “Code”).
The Code applies to all Swedish companies whose shares are listed on a regulated market in Sweden. MedCap is not required to comply with all the rules of the Code since the Code itself allows deviation from the rules, provided that any such deviation and the chosen alternative solution are described and the reasons for these are explained in the corporate governance report (using the comply-or-explain principle).
MedCap applies the Code. Any deviations from the Code are explained in MedCap’s annual report page 30-34. Here you can find MedCaps Annual reports.

Board Duties
The duties of the board of directors are conducted in the manner prescribed by the Swedish Companies Act, the Swedish Corporate Governance Code, and those rules and regulations otherwise applicable to the company.