Board Remuneration

Fees and other remuneration to directors, including the chairman, shall be approved by the annual general meeting. The annual general meeting of 6 May 2024 resolved that directors’ fees shall amount to SEK 425 thousand for the chairman and SEK 175 thousand for each other director. The above fees are remuneration for a period of one year.

In agreement with MedCap, directors may invoice their fees, provided that prevailing legislation, through a company and the invoiced fees shall consequently be determined so as to be cost-neutral for MedCap. In addition, directors are not entitled to any remuneration in connection with the termination of their duties.

Remuneration in financial year 2023

The table below presents an overview of remuneration paid to the current directors of MedCap in financial year 2023. 

SEKk Director’s fee/basic salary/ consultant fee (ex. VAT) Defined-contribution pension costs Variable remuneration Total
Karl Tobieson 425 - - 425
Otto Ankarcrona 175 - - 175
Malin Enarson 175 - - 175
David Jern 175     175
Lena Söderström 175 - - 175
Anna Törner 175 - - 175
Total 1 300 - - 1 300