
Nomination Committee

The task of the Nomination Committee

The task of the nomination committee is to submit proposals prior to the annual general meeting regarding, among other things, election of the chairman of the board and directors, appointment of auditors, directors’ remuneration and, where appropriate, proposals for the choice of auditors and their fees. The principles for appointing the nomination committee are adopted by the annual general meeting. The nomination committee shall comprise a total of at least three members, including the chairman of the board who is a member of the nomination committee and is the convener of the committee’s first meeting.

The chairman of the board shall, not later than by the end of the third quarter of MedCap’s financial year, every year ensure that the company’s three largest shareholders or ownership groups are invited to each appoint a representative to be a member of the nomination committee. Determination of the largest shareholders or ownership groups is based on Euroclear’s list of shareholders (by group of owners) on the last banking day in December or on such other documentation that shareholders or ownership groups submit at this time as evidence of their share ownership.

If one or more shareholders refrain from appointing a member of the nomination committee, an additional one or more of the subsequent largest shareholders by ownership shall be invited to appoint members of the nomination committee. However, it shall not be necessary to contact more than five additional shareholders unless the chairman of the board considers there are special reasons. When shareholders are contacted with an invitation to appoint a member of the nomination committee the chairman of the board shall establish the necessary rules of procedure such as the latest reply date, etc.

The 2024 annual general meeting resolved that the nomination committee of MedCap AB (publ) shall be formed by the chairman of the board, based on shareholder data from Euroclear AB at the end of the third quarter, contacting the three largest shareholders in terms of votes, which shall each have the right to appoint one member to constitute the nomination committee together with the chairman of the board.

The nomination committee consists of the following persons:

Thomas Bergh, appointed by Linc AB (Chairman of the Committee) 
Claes Murander, appointed by Lannebo Fonder
Celia Grip, utsedd av Swedbank Robur Fonder
Karl Tobieson, Chairman of the Board

Matters to be considered by the annual general meeting

Shareholders wishing to have matters considered at the general meeting should submit such proposal not later than four weeks before the meeting to the chairman of the board by sending an e-mail to karl.tobieson@linc.se, or by letter addressed to:

MedCap AGM MedCap AB (publ.)
Engelbrektsgatan 9-11
114 32 Stockholm, Sweden

Further information

For further information, please contact:

Karl Tobieson, Chairman MedCap, e-mail: karl.tobieson@linc.se